Are you still looking for the right music for your company? You are in the best hands with us. Just as only a master chef can create an outstanding culinary composition from products that anyone can buy at a weekly market, our music experts will put together the perfect programme for you. Individually selected music and sound programmes create an atmosphere that perfectly matches your corporate identity. Modern or classical, dynamic or soothing, elegant or motivating, with royaltys or royalty free.

Let GEMA be GEMA - with our GEMA administration service, we'll take care of it for you!

musik im unternehmen hören

Drawing on experience together

Years of experience in the B2B music sector
1 +
Satisfied users around the globe
1 +
Passion for music and sound concepts
1 %

The right product for every customer


100% royalty free
Single Channel
  • 12 channels
  • New playlist every day
  • Regular music updates
  • Rental receiver free of charge on request (+configuration fee)
  • Certificate of exemption from GEMA/AKM/SUISA licences
  • Technical support


100% royalty free
Multi Channel
  • Any number of parallel music zones
  • 33 curated royalty-free music channels
  • Music channel schedules, programmable by day of the week and time
  • Volume control, separately programmable according to audio output, weekday and time
  • All music channels freely mixable and time-programmable
  • Clips & jingles for each channel separately, time-programmable
  • Remote access via Mac/PC control software
  • Production of language clips, 50 languages to choose from
  • Music and marketing consulting
  • Certificate of exemption from GEMA/AKM/SUISA licences
  • Licence / tariff consulting

    More information here

  • Technical support


Complete world music repertoire
Multi Channel
  • Any number of parallel music zones
  • 170 curated music and sound channels
  • 33 curated royalty-free music channels
  • DJ module for creating your own playlists
  • New song order every day, daily music updates, incl. top charts
  • individual schedules, programmable by day of the week and time
  • Volume control, separately programmable according to audio output, weekday and time
  • All music channels freely mixable and time-programmable
  • Songs can be removed live from the current programme
  • Clips & jingles for each channel separately, time-programmable
  • Remote access via Mac/PC control software
  • Password-protected access to all systems, from anywhere in the world
  • Music and marketing consulting
  • Production of voice clips, 50 languages to choose from
  • Centralised control of any number of locations
  • Licence tariff service incl. licence discount
  • Technical support